It's the most wonderful time of the year!
When the book has been finished,
Not one thing can diminish the good feelings here!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Picture a grown writer cavorting around the house to the tune of the song whose verse is mangled up above. That was me, just three nights ago, as I finished the final draft of my ninth novel, Without Mercy, which I am fervently hoping will be the first in my "Where Are They Now?" series. The dancing continued through yesterday, when I mailed the hard copy and e-mailed the electronic copy to my editor at Five Star. I'm still bopping a little as I write this, which is as good an excuse as any for the typos that will probably creep in.
Despite it being the tail end of June, the Christmas motif isn't completely random. This moment is very much like that moment when I've wrapped and mailed the last present, and can finally savor the tingle of anticipation that the approach of Christmas Day always brings. I'm reasonably sure I've done a good job with the book, but even if I haven't, I've done all I can do. Now it's time for those sugarplums to start doing the lambada in my head. The sugarplums are just a little different with a book.
Instead of greedy thoughts of the presents I'll receive, I've got greedy thoughts of the sales figures that will shoot up the chimney faster than Santa when he climbs down to find a lit fire. Instead of anticipating the oohs and aahs as my little girls survey their bounty, I'm hoping for similarly delighted reactions from the editor, and later on, the reviewers and booksellers. Instead of sleigh bells, I'm listening for whispers like "breakout book" and "bestseller." And dangling overheard, like the most effective mistletoe imaginable, the just-out-of-reach goals of award nods and plump contracts for more in the series.
Of course, I've never had a perfect Christmas. Sometimes the tree dries out early, or the turkey is overdone. The sweater from my sister was too small, and I bought the wrong Gameboy game for my daughter. It never matters--it's still Christmas.
So even if not all my dreams come true for Without Mercy, even if the editor requires a change for every person in the Returns line at Target on the day after Christmas, even if royalties are as flat as January candy cane sales and the reviewers act like the Grinch with a hangover, I'll still have my glorious finished book.
No matter what, it's still the most wonderful time of the year!