by Mary
We've had an exciting few weeks in the mystery world. The International Thriller Writers organization announced its first award nominees, to a bit of ribbing from the outside. Why? None of its nominees were women. To me, that's not so surprising in a male-dominated genre. What does continue to surprise me is the number of crybaby he-men who can't take what they've been dishing out to cozy lovers for years. When Elaine Viets took ITW to task with a humorous blog on The Lipstick Chronicles site, many couldn't handle the fact that she used their own methods of attack against them.
We cozy people are generally good-natured. We've laughed along with jokes made about our relatively non-violent books. We've taken it on the chin when criticized, allowing different strokes for different folks. In contrast, when Elaine gave thriller writers a dose of their own brand of humor, suddenly it was a mortal sin to dare question another genre's actions with snarky observations. Some ITW supporters responded to her blog with such vehemence I could practically see foam coming out of their mouths and onto the screen. Others were more moderate. I didn't agree with everything in Elaine's post, but its sly way of throwing up clay targets to draw fire, then sneaking in important side issues through the reactions she knew would come, was nothing short of brilliant.
When ITW formed, readers and writers in other mystery genres thought it was a great idea. We've known ITW members for a long time and have supported them by attending their signings, buying their books and recommending them to other readers. So, it shocked me when the ITW website first went up, and it featured an article by cozy writers' arch-nemesis Otto Penzler, a well-known figure in the mystery world. Mainly, his article served as a letter of introduction for ITW, its members and its goals.
That wasn't the only thing it did. Its first paragraphs trashed cozies, their writers and their readers. A year earlier, Mr Penzler wrote another cruel article berating cozies. He twisted the knife by ridiculing each of the Agatha award nominees. This was done in typical alpha male fashion, with sarcasm and a disregard of others' feelings. It broke new ground in bad manners and unprofessional conduct in the mystery community.
The sight of Mr Penzler attacking cozies through the ITW article (or was ITW attacking cozies while hiding behind Mr Penzler?) was one I'll never forget. The ITW writers were our friends. The founders had appeared to have put much thought into setting guidelines for an honorable organization. How, then, was Mr Penzler with his divisive, holier-than-thou attitude chosen as the group's spokesman, and his article posted to the website?
Some have suggested it was simply an oversight, due to the rush to get the website up and running. I don't think that's possible. Think about it. Candidates for writing an intro article would've been discussed among decision-makers. Someone suggested Mr Penzler, others agreed. Maybe they didn't think he'd blast cozies again. Maybe they thought he would write only about ITW and its members. When his article was submitted, it would've been read and approved by someone or several people. There may have even been discussion over whether the offensive passages should remain. Whatever the case, it passed the first round of approval.
Once on the website, every single member of ITW at the time would've read it, don't you think? Wouldn't you be anxious to check out your new exciting group's website? That means every board member and every writer member saw it, read it, and didn't care that they were hurting us.
Nobody cared that this precedent was a giant stride in the wrong direction. It was an arrogant, disrespectful way to begin relationships within the mystery community. And yet, cozy writers and readers took the hit with grace. ITW lobbed a grenade into a camp of cat-loving, gardening, pacifist grannies, most of whom were ITW's supporters, in an unwarranted attack. How honorable is that? Don't pout and cry to me when, a year later, one rock is tossed back at ITW and its members. It's hilarious to me that the self-appointed tough guys and gals don't have a clue about how to be tough, yet the grannies they dismiss as weaker, lesser beings are the ones who have repeatedly sustained hits from them with barely a whimper.
What disturbs me most is the increasing arrogance of non-cozy writers that, would you believe, coincides with ITW's formation. The level of bad manners is a new phenomenon around here, and it appalls me. I've been to several book signings by ITW members who either talk about their own superiority to traditional mystery writers, or how their books are superior to cozies. Don't they think their audience might read across genres and be offended by that? And then, after criticizing us as writers and readers, they want us to pay thirty bucks for their hardbacks? It has become common practice for hardboiled and thriller writers to disparage cozies on convention panels. Wouldn't it be better to gain respect by showing respect for other writers, rather than cut them down? A fellow panelist once dismissed my remarks and experience to the audience as meaningless in light of his higher intelligence. What, is there a manual? Is this new behavior taught in the exalted realm of ITW membership? I believe it is, if not directly through power promotion me-me-me courses, then indirectly. The proof is in the arrogance of new authors, who are so green they can only be echoing the attitudes their mentors feed them.
I'd like to address a couple of specific points in Elaine's article that brought cries of outrage from ITW supporters. One was that she questioned the judges' judgement. She pointed out she agreed with some of their choices, not with others. She was much less harsh about it than Otto. Elaine criticized about twenty judges. Mr Penzler criticized over 800 Malice Domestic reader judges for their nominee choices. Not exactly equal force in retaliation there, thriller guys.
Another outcry was that Elaine must have made the ITW nominees feel terrible. Mr Penzler brutally criticized the Agatha nominees by name, skewering them individually, in a New York newspaper the year prior to the ITW article. Nothing near that force was used against ITW nominees in Elaine's article. Two of the Agatha nominees that year were two of the nicest, most devoted advocates of writers in all mystery genres, Carolyn Hart and Margaret Maron. I can forgive a lot of things, but that I cannot forgive. For that blatant disrespect and for the alliance of ITW with its perpetrator, I expect any and all future potshots in ITW's direction, justified or not, to be taken like a man without so much as a peep, just the way those fine ladies did. Don't tell me it's not fair to criticize ITW members who had no part in what Otto did. If rude and unreasonable judgements against cozy writers were ITW policy from the start, and there were not only no objections from members but the policy continues today, then don't cry if a thriller writer gets a slap on the wrist once every few years.
I will say that when a few cozy people complained about Otto's article to ITW, David Morrell was a complete gentleman. He was kind and took immediate action to notify others of our concerns. He got the offending cozy-bashing sentences deleted from the ITW website. I just wish they had been seen for what they were, a bad miscalculation in direction and in policy, much earlier.
I commend the ITW supporters who put up an admirable defense of ITW's nominees and judges after reading Elaine's blog. I believe in defending my friends, too. For my part, I only want a more professional attitude to be present in ITW members' speech in public forums. They can dismiss me, what I write and my choice in reading if they want in private. The dismissal of cozy readers who attend thriller panels or book signings is plain foolish.
I realize I'm a nobody who can't help anyone up the social ladder of the thriller world. But I'm a well-mannered nobody. And I love to buy books and promote good mystery writers. I may be nothing but a yapping little lap dog compared to the lowest-ranking ITW writer. Nevertheless, I would advise all mean cozy-haters to wear thick socks when in my vicinity. I may not be big enough to go for the jugular, but I will not hesitate to take a flying leap at those legs, teeth-first, like a teacup ankle-biter on PCP.
Hear me. Fear me. I AM the Alpha Chihuahua. ;)