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September 13, 2006


Jen W

Wow that's a ton of stuff to have to do! I'm so glad all I want to do is read the books. I really don't have a desire to write any.


Thank you for such a useful post. If I ever do manage to write a book (I am one of the minority who thinks writing a book would be hard), I will sure refer back to this post!



Great post. I've sent many an aspiring writer to the 20 Worst Agents list on SFWA website. Check potential agents' websites and blogs for clues on how well they would fit your needs -- and you theirs. This is a long-term relationship and you need to work well together. This can range from how you submit material to how often they like to touch base during negotiations.

Research, it's not just for your works of fiction.


Janet Reid

The only word I'd change here is "down". Money flows toward a writer, not "down" to a writer. You aren't the bottom of the heap.

Bobbi Schaefer

Donna--I read your blog with interest. I'm there, searching for that perfect agent for a ditzy biddy lit novel. The only comment I have is: wouldn't it be nice if they all requested the same info with the initial query letter. It ranges from letter only, but of course that letter could contain anything from bio info to a short synopsis so one must have at least a dozen letters crafted,up to and including a full synopsis and anywhere from two to fifty pages, or more, of your novel. And while one is sending all this material hither and yon, absolutely no work is being accomplished on the next book.
Frustrated author,
Bobbi Schaefer

Jean Harrington

Donna, Just read your "finding an agent" blog. Wonderful. Helpful. Sharp. Thank you. Jean Harrington

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