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March 21, 2007



I am so excited to see that you will be coming to Portland, Or.
Love Sookie.

Dana Cameron

This is hysterical, Charlaine--and then there's the fact that we're usually dressed for work at conferences. My archaeology friends never see me in make-up or heels (sometimes even smelling good), and my conference friends have never seen me in boots, a floppy hat, and work clothes, covered in dirt and jangling with tools (smelling like bug spray and sun block).

Penny Richards

We met in Hot Springs last year--I'm your neighbor from Prescott. Have meant to get in touch, but didn't want to impose, and have had a rough year with one thing ant another (son's divorce, etc.) Anyway, I'm contacting you to see if you would be interested in coming to Prescott on Friday evening, June 1 at 6:30 for a reception/book signing. We have a yearly festival--the Chicken and Egg (yeah, I know)--and I had the bright idea to do this and call it CHIK LIT(erature) with 2-3 writers. (Everything is named that way) So far, it's Patricia Springer (Dallas area) who writes true crime and tentatively Lenora Nazworth (Shreveport) who does Inspirational. I am planning to try to get a signing together for earlier that afternoon in Texarkana if you are interested--sort of make a day of it. On Saturday, my Dallas friends (Pat, LaRee Bryant and Sandy Steen--also at conference last year) are going to Hot Springs for another signing (if it all comes together) and you would be welcome to come to that too, or if not, you could just drive home on Friday night OR stay at the house--I have a bed and breakfast that I do when it's convenient :) The whole thing may be too small potatoes for you, but I've done well when I've had them, and Prescott is only about 45 minutes away, so I thought it might be dooable, even though I see your schedule is pretty packed.
Have loved the Sookie books, though I didn't expect too--am touting you throughout Prescott.
I hope you will be able to join us; we'd have a great variety to offer folks then.
Friday aft.: Texarkana
Friday evening: Prescott Library
Saturday morn: Hot Springs
Sat. afternoon: Hot Springs
Sat evening: Dinner at my cabin on Suckles Lake
Sunday Morning: Breakfast at the B&B and go home.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
All best,

Penny Richards

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