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December 23, 2007


keith wilson

I enjoyed reading this post. I grew up in Niwot, eight miles from Boulder. I wrote a short story "The Cottonwood" which took place in one of the dry creeks outside Niwot.

Please visit my website and blog, and I welcome any comments or suggestions.


Keith,I'm delighted you enjoyed the post. Boulder County sort of gets under your skin. So many stories, so little time. Marlys


Hi Marlys,

I'm thrilled to have found you on this site! I will be hosting a book club meeting about 'The Mirror' in a few short weeks and would love to jazz up the discussion with some input from the author herself.

Is there a transcript of the panel discussion you mentioned above that I could get my hands on?

Or, even better, is there a question you would pose to the group to kick off a lively discussion?

Thank you!


Hi Marlys,

I'm thrilled to have found you on this site! I will be hosting a book club meeting about 'The Mirror' in a few short weeks and would love to jazz up the discussion with some input from the author herself.

Is there a transcript of the panel discussion you mentioned above that I could get my hands on?

Or, even better, is there a question you would pose to the group to kick off a lively discussion?

Thank you!

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