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October 09, 2008



I've been a spam arrest customer for years.

First anyone you send an email to is automatically added to your approved sender list if you use their SMTP server or webmail interface.

Second you can pre-approve users by adding them using the import tool.

Hope this helps out.

Donna Andrews

Albert, thanks. You've confirmed what I suspected. The guy who emailed me COULD have arranged it so my reply would reach him without my having to jump through the Spam Arrest hoops. But since he was asking me to do something, I think it was rude of him not to do so. That's why he's not getting an answer.


So that's what all of the cleaning is called when I'm in creative mode. :-D

Sorry I missed you at Bouchercon this weekend. I would have at last loved to tell you that I love all of your Meg Langslow books and reread them often. You have such a brillant talent with wordcraft and storytelling. But there, I've told you... :-D



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Oooh, I just got one of those "promise me you aren't a spammer"--I was trying to answer a question that had been sent to me. Made me mad, but I had to reply anyway in order to get MY question answered.

I don't think I was mad just because I was, in fact, having one of those writer avoidance days...still am, which is how I ended up on this lovely blog.


Love the books (Meg Langslow) and one of my buddies just told me you have another series out too!!!

Keri Ford

One of the most common writing avoidance behaviors is nesting. Cleaning, organizing, and tidying. It's not just me; a year or so ago, a writer friend reported a bafflingly sudden and uncharacteristic urge to clean her desk. . . her office . . . perhaps her whole house.

Hmm. I do believe my husband will cry big drops of joy the day I sell!


I then move my body up and then my lips find his lips again and we start kissing again. He roles me over with care in the shower. His moist lips part with mine and start traveling down my body when I stop him.

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