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October 05, 2008


Hank Phillippi Ryan

Oh, Kris. You got me. This sounds terrific.

Remember Bob Woodward's book "The Brethren?" About the U.S. Supreme court? Huh. Interesting that's what Twelve Hawk names the bad guys.

What's more, my husband, a lawyer,has handled cases which prove the invasion of privacy and increasing survellance ("justified" by the war on terrorism) is disturbingly pervasive. So I hear about this at home every day.

I'm now trying to see if the author's name is an anagram.

And I'm definitely getting the books.



Your posting made me smile. Like you, I loved both of John Twelve Hawks' books. And when I'm at the grocery store and the person in front of me pulls out her coupons -- has the checker ring them up -- and then CHANGES HER MIND -- ahhh, yes, I really want Maya's sword.


Check out his web site:



Ooh! An anagram. What a clever idea, Hank.


I hear you, Susan. To be honest, though, I know my tolerance is way too low to have Maya's sword.


Joe, what an amazing website! Thanks.

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