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January 25, 2009


Hank Phillippi Ryan

Hey--you are so right! (As usual..) Andrew's book is a gem.
It's destined to be one of those keep-it-by-your-desk references, to be dipped into all the way along the writing process.

And yup, I was thrilled and delighted to be included. And honored.

As for the book, it's like having a group of your best pals--and a group of your favorite authors--sitting with you and happy to chat about whatever you want.

In fact, I'm in the "oh my gosh I finished book four but I'll never be able to think of another plot" mode. Kris, now I'll just check to see what you and the gang have to say about that.


Oh boy, this sounds great, Kris. I hadn't heard about it yet. So glad you mentioned it. Part of my New Year's organizing has been to bring out writing reference books to a shelf by my desk. This sounds like a good contender to keep handy too!


Hank, I'm sure you found great advice in 101, but if I can add another comment...I think that "oh my gosh I finished book four but I'll never be able to think of another plot" mode just means you gave your all to this book, and that'll make it great.

Mary, I like to keep my reference and writing books close to my desk and computer, too. You're never working alone when you have good inspiration close at hand.

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