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September 02, 2009



Well, that dashes my gift idea I had for Ms. Harris! I found a huge potato that looks just like a vampire head. I guess I will have to eat Mr Compton for dinner tonight. ;-)

Hank Phillippi Ryan

It was in my capacity as repOrter, not author..but I opened a package the other day to find a cellophane envelope with a cute label and high-class packaging and a nice news release: and it was

Dead bugs. With chocolate on them.
That you're supposed to EAT.

Not. A. Chance.

Dear PR guy: Thanks for thinking of me, but not in a billion years.


There have been times when I've thought Bill deserved such a fate. :) Butter him up real good. No ketchup.

Charlaine Harris

Poor Bill. I'm feeling the hate.

Toni LP Kelner

Okay, it wasn't a fan, but I'll never forget the gift a friend of mine gave me as a going away gift the night before I moved from North Carolina to Massachusetts. It was a hand-blown glass griffin that he himself had made for me. It was lovely, and thoughtful, and the most fragile thing I have ever owned in my life. Not only did it not make it to Massachusetts, it didn't even survive the drive back to my house that night intact.


I feel it for bill. Just as well its fiction

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