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September 14, 2009


Gail Farrelly

I can't wait to see this year's book and read your story, Kris, as well as the stories of all the other authors. I'm very lucky to have one of my stories, "The Kindle Did It," in it too. I know you've heard about Road Rage. Well, my story is all about Kindle Rage!

Over the past few years I've found that the Toys for Tots anthologies make perfect holiday gifts. I give them to mystery lovers who have a special soft spot in their hearts for kids. Although it's only autumn, I love the idea of starting to think about the winter holidays early.

Anita Page, one of the other contributors to this year's anthology, points out: "Toys for Tots has an excellent rating at Charity Navigator. 96.9% of expenses go to supporting the program itself (rather than being frittered away on administration, etc.) which earned it four stars (out of a possible four stars) for efficiency." I think that's pretty impressive!

Hope everyone has a terrific holiday season.


Gourmet Scented Candles

How inspirational for the upcoming season. I am certainly going to apply these tips before I start.



I'm really pleased by the cadre of talented and generous authors John M. Floyd managed to corral for this anthology. This is the first year I have had neither a story in the anthology nor any hand in the editing--only the cover design and the publishing part are mine this time--and John did a great job with the project. I'm looking forward to everyone's reactions to the wonderful stories in this year's book, and looking forward to handing a big check to Toys for Tots, too!


Gail, that's important information. Some charities use up contributions on staffing and internal expenses, so there's hardly anything left for the beneficiaries. That does make Toys for Tots and excellent charity to contribute to.

Tony, I think John did a great job with it, too. He was an excellent editor, sensitive and respectful about the author's work, but he knew what he wanted, too. I enjoyed working with him. It's great that you're publishing this book and supporting Toys for Tots in this way!

send gift  Philippines

I agree with you,our holiday traditions. We cook special meals, bake cookies, wrap gifts, send cards and enjoy warm times with family and friends too.


gifts for boys

My family's tradition is hot cocoa with homemade marshmallows and Christmas music. Simple but great. And if you haven't tried homemade marshmallows you are REALLY missing out.


Cheryl, that sounds fantastic. I don't think I knew marshmallows could be homemade! ;)

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