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June 03, 2010


Lil Gluckstern

I have always respected, and envied, what writers do, and through these blogs, I am learning that the respect was earned. I liked your blog for its honesty, as I like your writings for their--honesty! Whew, I just realized that I completely believe what you are writing. So I look forward to the next book, etc.

Mike Dennis

Great post, Dana. About 15 years ago, I started a novel centered around a terrific idea. After 100 pages or so, I got stuck and eventually set it aside to start something else. Years went by, and every so often, I'd see the printout of those 100 pages and remember what a great idea it was.

Fast forward to 2009. I'm writing another novel, and once again get stuck. Only this time...you guessed it. I insert the idea from the 15-year-old false start into the 2009 book and voila! It fit like a tongue in a groove.

Don't ever lose track of those discarded ideas.

Dana Cameron

Wow, thank you so much, Lil! That means a lot to me. It's funny: it's fiction, but it can't work unless it's honest. I hope you'll enjoy the next stories to appear.

Thanks, and--yay, Mike! What a great story--and you're so right. Whatever else writing is, it's economical, in the sense that we're always saving things, retooling them as necessary, occasionally recycling something that wasn't going to work in its original form.

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