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May 10, 2012


Mary S.

Oh how I wish I could go to the workshop in Italy! Sounds wonderful and looks like a dream in the photo. Have a great time there this summer!


I love teaching, too, ET--as you say, we always bring something new back to our own work. We're never not learning. That picture of Assisi is terrific--have a wonderful two weeks!

Marcia Talley

That workshop in Assisi -- what a chore, SJ! But I know you'll manage to endure it somehow. ;-) So here *I* sit in rainy Annapolis contemplating a 2-day weekend at a condo in Bethany Beach that I "won" in a silent auction for two hundred bucks. Sigh. Delaware or Italy -- it'd be a no brainer for me!!

SJ Rozan

Mary S -- come! Seriously, if you (or any of the rest of you) want to come, I can get you a little bit of a break on the price... Get in touch.

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