by Donna Andrews
Time to celebrate!
I have a book coming out next week. Some Like It Hawk hits the streets on Tuesday, July 17, 2012. Here's the super short description:
When eccentric hermit Phineas Throckmorton is accused of murder, everyone in the town of Caerphilly knows someone's framing him. But it's up to Meg prove his innocence--and save the town from financial ruin.
Even though Some Like It Hawk isn't my first book--in fact, it's number 14 in the Meg Langslow series--you'd think I'd be taking time for a prolonged celebration. Maybe popping a champagne cork. Having a steak dinner. And in a perfect world, you'd be right. But in a perfect world, I wouldn't still be writing the next book. Which means that any celebrating I do will have be short enough to fit in between writing each day's quota and all those little luxuries I can't seem to live without, like breathing and sleeping.
Still. The box of author's copies arrived last night, and I'm going to take one to Mom tomorrow. It’s a real book, at last. So let's pop some cyber bubbly together and celebrate today!
I celebrated a little already when I got the Booklist review, which called Some Like It Hawk an "engaging tale."
And then again when Katrina Niidas Holm posted a very nice review over at the Criminal Elements blog. I once reviewed Loot by Aaron Elkins for an online publication and received a note from him saying that he didn't often respond to reviewers, but he wanted to thank me, not because my review was positive (although it was) but because it showed I had gotten exactly what he was trying to do in the book. I'll have to drop Katrina a line and tell her the same thing. And being able to do that is definitely cause for celebration.
I'm also celebrating the fact that entries are pouring in to the contest Dear Reader is running for free copies of Some Like It Hawk. Celebrating because the folks who subscribe to Dear Reader tend to be noisy readers--my favorite kind of readers: the ones who, if they like a book, will tell the immediate world about it. Keeping my fingers crossed that at least a few of the people who get the books like them as much as Katrina did. (And if you're not already on Dear Reader, hearing about new books and, quite often, free books from me and a bunch of other writers, check it out. Just be prepared for a dangerous expansion of your to-be-read pile. )
If you prefer Good Reads--why yes, I'm giving away copies there, too, hoping for a few more noisy readers. (And if you haven't found Good Reads you should check that out, too. Just brace yourself, because finding out what other people are reading will turn your to-be-read pile into a to-be-read mountain.)
And I'm also delighted to announce that thanks to some expert help from my publisher's digital marketing crew, my Facebook author page is finally visible to everyone, instead of just me. At least I think it is. Check out DonnaAndrewsBooks, and if the gremlins have hidden it again, let me know. I'll be sharing publishing news there, and signing news, and amusing tidbits and yes, news about free books, so definitely click the like button while you're there.
If you're keen on having your books signed or even signed and personalized, I'll be doing events at two local bookstores soon, and both Kathy Harig of Mystery Loves Company (on July 21) and Eileen McGervey of One More Page Books (on July 19) would be happy to take your order. In fact, they'd probably be delighted if people ordered enough books to give me a bad case of writer's cramp. And if you're close enough to Arlington, Virginia or Oxford, Maryland, I'd love to see you at one or both events.
Now I've done it. I'm now officially more in the mood to celebrate than to write. And the book won't be available until July 17. (Although you can preorder it already from a variety of sources.) And I need to buckle down and keep doing my quota every day, or I won't have a reason to celebrate next year. So I should bring this to a close and return to the far less entertaining but very important job of writing the book.
Still . . . after the quota, there will be time for that steak and bubbly. Or maybe just a hamburger and a Diet Coke.
Any questions about the upcoming book? And any thoughts on just how I can celebrate properly without trashing my writing schedule?
Can't wait to read it!
Posted by: Kelly Saderholm | July 11, 2012 at 11:02 AM
I. Can't. Wait. So excited for a new Meg adventure!
Posted by: Sharon Shirley | July 11, 2012 at 11:23 AM
Glad to hear it!
This is, incidentally, the book whose plot wasn't really working right until one day I was trying to look something up on my iPhone, clicked on the wrong teeny tiny link, and voila! The plot elements I'd been looking for literally appeared on my screen.
But that's a story for another day.
Posted by: Donna Andrews | July 11, 2012 at 11:57 AM
I really did adore this book. And thanks for the thanks.
Posted by: Katrina | July 11, 2012 at 12:57 PM
On order, waiting for it to magically appear on my kindle!! Squeeee!
Posted by: sandrad | July 11, 2012 at 04:46 PM
Lady, ALL your tales are engaging :-) And you definitely deserve at least six minutes of out-and-out celebration before getting back to work on the next one.
I'd stay and say more nice things, but I have a book to order...
Posted by: Deborah Blake | July 11, 2012 at 05:48 PM
Wonderful! Hurray. And seriously...if you don't take time to celebrate now, when will you?
Throw your head back and laugh. Pat yourself on the back. You've done it! and it's fabulous. A dream come true. Of course champagne--or whatever makes you happy and count your blessings.
Posted by: Hank Phillippi Ryan | July 11, 2012 at 08:02 PM
Congratulations, Donna. You're following the advice of Nancy Pickard, another successful mystery writer. She said we shouldn't forget to celebrate our books when they are published. We've put so much work into them. Enjoy!
Posted by: Elaine Viets | July 12, 2012 at 11:46 AM
Congratulations, Donna! Some days, all you need is a soda and burger--it's the spirit of the celebration, after all!
Posted by: Dana | July 12, 2012 at 12:05 PM
I myself intend to celebrate by buying the book!
When I read your first book (I've read all of them) I laughed so hard that I was almost aching! I look forward to each of your books,and I continue to ache with laughter. Thank you for taking the time to write them, even when you would rather be doing something else!
Posted by: Deb Romano | July 12, 2012 at 07:55 PM
Deb, you really struck a nerve in the old memory banks. When I saw Donna's first book cover, I knew I loved it before I read the first word. It was like golden light rays from heaven were shining down on it and angels sang and hovered over it strumming tiny little harps. I knew it, ZAP, like that, it was My Kind Of Book.
Donna, I don't know if you could've visualized Meg's success back then. But definitely celebrate the new one's pub date! Always celebrate. The books have brought much joy to so many readers.
Posted by: Mary | July 18, 2012 at 02:42 PM
Very good article, I love it.Refueling.
Posted by: true religion outlet | July 21, 2012 at 12:02 AM