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July 30, 2012


Karen in Ohio

Oh, Donna, thank you for the enormous laugh at your expense this morning. It was much needed.

Global searchangelo! Still roaring.

lil Gluckstern

Ah computers. And you are a very nice, and funny, lady!

Mario in DC

And I shall read Hawk with even more enjoyment now that I know a bit more about the background ... Thanks for the laugh, Donna.


Deb Romano

Donna, I roared with laughter each time I read today's post! Thank you so much letting us laugh with you! I will need to reread the earlier books that caused you some name trouble, and of course I need to run out and get Some Like It Hawk. It's your sense of humor that makes me excited whenever you have a new book out!


I laughed reading your blog, thanks for laugh to end the day, I thought I was the only one to get names messed up ;)....I love the book tremendously too. :)....

Elaine Viets

Thanks for the laugh, Donna. Every book has mistakes, no matter how careful we are, but it always hurts when we learn our babies aren't perfect.

Storyteller Mary

My license plate is 2RS-UMN * as a reminder, especially useful for my teaching days . . .
My friend said of her computer, early on . . . maybe in the '80's, "The problem is, the computer does what I tell it to instead of what I want it to." You may have invented a new game -- find the most hilarious find/replace possibilities -- though it will be hard to match Ed/Angelo. The second + pairs of eyes could catch that one, but yours was more subtle, nice that there is another chance . . . ;-)
* license plate translation: to err is human


Oh, Donna: I've had that happen (the search and replace) and it can so easily escalate to something even worse. I bet Kate will enjoy this story as much as her character!

Donna Andrews

Knowing people got a laugh out of this cheers me up!

A bunch of us competed to see if we could think of anything that would have been worse than Angelo. I came up with Art. Ed's friend Ted would become Tart. Nobody would go to bed, they would go to Bart. And if was a mystery and the FBI became involved, they would be the visiting Farts.

I seem to remember winning this competition.

Storyteller Mary

Hah! That's truly funny and you deserve to win!
You've also reminded me of my little niece, who was just learning to play with rhymes, deciding one day to try "luck" -- spoil sports that we are, we suggested another word to rhyme very quickly.


Thanks for the laugh. I love your Meg stories and will enjoy them even more knowing a bit about the background. "Art" is hilarious.

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