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July 15, 2012


Marcia Talley

Dean, I can trace my love of mysteries back to Nancy Drew, too. When I ran out of Nancys and Hardy Boy books, I went looking for more, and that's when a friendly librarian directed me to Christie, Allingham, Marsh, Sayers, Chesterton and other giants of the Golden Age of mystery fiction, roughly the period between the two world wars. When I went to buy my last car, I settled on a VW Eos which is a hardtop convertible. I INSISTED on blue. It didn't occur to me until later that it had to be blue because Nancy Drew drove a blue roadster. LOL.

Elaine Viets

Dean, I loved Nancy Drew, too, and read my mother's set of those mysteries.
I like cozies because they detail a slice of so-called ordinary life in a village or a country house or shop.


Thank you, Dean! I was also thinking about Nancy Drew and other early influences yesterday, after learning about the passing of Encyclopedia Brown's creator.

That's the thing I like about cozies; the blood may have dried on the library floor before the story opens, but life doesn't go on as it had before.


We had a few Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys at home, and I liked them, but it was the Agatha Christies from the library that hit the spot for me. No one aspect of them attracted me more than another. Setting, characters, story - I loved everything about them.

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