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August 16, 2012


Storyteller Mary

I have a new appreciation of all the work you do to give us those fun, clever titles . . . Thanks! (and looking forward to it ;-)

Elaine Viets

As you can tell by this blog, I get by with a little help from my friends, Mary.

lil Gluckstern

I laughed at all the titles, and Now I can look forward to Board Stiff. There is so much work that goes into a book that gives so much pleasure.

Elaine Viets

The work has just started, Lil. Wait till you read about the research.

Charlaine Harris

Board Stiff is great, but I really adore Son of a Beach.

Elaine Viets

You would have loved the rejected title for "Just Murdered," where I killed the mother of the bride. I wanted to call it "One Dead Mother." That title was nixed as "too urban."

Storyteller Mary

Maybe there can be a future blog on all the vetoed titles . . .

Elaine Viets

"Dead-End Job" was my title for "Shop till You Drop." Genny, my then editor, decided it made a better series.


Thanks for sharing the all the hard work it took to come up with a great title, Elaine.
You have such a great sense of humor. I always enjoy your blogs about your writing journeys.
I am patiently waiting until next spring for your new release.

Elaine Viets

Thanks, Marie. A novel is a group effort. The fun has just started.

Storyteller Mary

You do have a great editor -- you make a great team!

Deb Romano

Elaine, I really love your sense of humor!

I can't wait to see what you say when you blog about the research. We all know that whatever you say will definitely be very entertaining!

Sally Goldenbaum

Elaine, I love this blog! You have captured my own problems and feelings about titles so perfectly (right down to our mutual respect for an editor named Sandy!). Thanks for sharing this.

Elaine Viets

Blog readers, get to know Sally Goldenbaum's Seaside Knitters series. It's a fun cozy read.


Elaine, love the new title! You were wise to fight for a title readers would find easier to remember. They are notorious about getting a bit of a title wrong, and they'll argue their version is right to the death. And book databases are quite specific, even with looser keyword searches. I don't know what I would do without Google. I just put in long strings of everything they think they know about particular books, and that usually turns up the right titles. But if I counted on customers knowing titles exactly, I'd hardly be able to fulfill any special orders.

Elaine Viets

You own a bookstore, Kris, so you know how hard it is to look up a title. When I worked as a bookseller, I'd have readers say, "I can't remember the author or the title, but it was a mystery and the cover was blue."


Good job!

Elaine Viets

Thanks, Sydney. Hope you'll think it's a good read when it's finished.

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