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September 09, 2012


Storyteller Mary

"You fell very gracefully," Mario said. I LOVE Mario!! What a great teacher!

You were very brave, Elaine, and now I might just want to try a short lesson someday, on very calm water -- the difference is a bit like that between downhill/Alpine skiing (which I will never do again) and cross-country/Nordic, which I will do a bit of . . . once in a while . . .
I do wish there were photos, though . . . ;-)

Sharon Potts

Geez, Elaine--what you do in the name of research! Though this certainly sounds better than your dead-end job cleaning toilets. The great thing is we can all experience your adventures and misadventures without getting wet or subjecting ourselves to disgusting diseases.

Elaine Viets

Mario was a good teacher, Mary. He found some way to praise me, even when my performance was poor indeed.
And I'd like to paddleboard again. On very calm water.

Elaine Viets

Sharon, I tried very hard NOT to think about the water quality of the Middle River, especially after I swallowed a lot of it.

lil Gluckstern

You are very funny, and such a good sport :)

Elaine Viets

At least I'm not a wet blanket, Lil.

Coco Ihle

Elaine, you never cease to amaze me. You made something I'd never dreamed of doing something I'd like to try! I'm eager to read BOARD STIFF to see how you incorporate your research into your story. I know it will be exciting.

Elaine Viets

I hope you will enjoy it. Mystery fans, Coco is the author of the novel, "She Had to Know."

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