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October 09, 2012



Great cover, Elaine! And well done, wrestling that outline into, um, submission!

Alan Portman

I always wondered if mysteries started from some form of 'Miss Scarlet, in the library, with the knife.' Now I know.

No, the killer cannot be introduced on page 234, it ain't fair to us readers.

Nice cover!

Victoria Allman

Great cover, Elaine! Makes me want to hurry back to the beaches of Florida and jump on my paddle board...although, I suspect it leads to death in your story....I look forward to reading the latest Helen book.

Victoria Allman
author of: SEAsoned: A Chef's Journey with Her Captain


Helen Ginger

Love the cover! And this was so interesting -- hearing how you go about creating (and re-creating) an outline for your book.

Elaine Viets

Groan, Dana. What awful PUN-ishment after what I went through.

Elaine Viets

In less politically correct times, Alan, introducing a killer on page 234 was called "the Chinaman," because some old school mysteries would bring in a mysterious (and evil) Asian who killed the nice Brit.
Modern readers won't (and shouldn't) stand for that ploy.

Elaine Viets

You're right, Victoria. In "Board Stiff," paddleboarding is hazardous to the health of a certain tourist. It would be cruel to mention that today is a perfect paddleboarding day, except I'm stuck home writing.

Elaine Viets

Thanks, Helen. I've been lucky with my covers at NAL. I really like this one, too.

Marcia Talley

Love the cover, and the title, Elaine! :-) I'm at the keyboard today, too, on the first sunny day we've had since I drove back from Cleveland in the rain. Slaves to duty!

Elaine Viets

I had a little help on that title, Marcia. I believe you and your boater friends suggested it. And I'm sure glad you did.

Donna Andrews

Nice title and cover Elaine. And as a fellow outliner . . . once I have a good outline, I go through a brief honeymoon period when I could almost convince myself that the REAL work is done. Then reality sets in and I settle down to my daily quota.

Storyteller Mary

That cover is making me want a beach vacation! and a new book from you ;-)

Elaine Viets

My books go well on the beach, Mary.

Elaine Viets

An outline has such potential, Donna. I can almost kid myself I don't have to write the book.


Elaine, I love the cover.
Cannot read this novel!!

Elaine Viets

Thanks, Marie. I can't wait for you to read it,either.

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