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October 14, 2012


Deb Romano

You are hardly a lazy person! You work your demanding "day" job PLUS you discipline yourself to write very entertaining mysteries. I don't know how you find the time. I can barely find time to work AND clean my house! (Well, okay, not a lot of cleaning gets done.)I'd love to have more time for my hobbies; I'll have to look to you authors for my inspiration.

Charlaine Harris

I was very, very fortunate that my husband offered to be the sole income while I worked on my writing career. Eventually it paid off for him, but there were many years our lives would have been easier if I'd had a "regular" job. Dean, my hat is off to you.


Charlaine and Deb, thanks. Need I say that the house-cleaning chez moi is usually low on the "to do" list? LOL

Kris Neri

As one of the Femmes with multiple day jobs, I must say I would miss some of the rewards I derive from being a bookseller and a writing instructor, as well as a writer, and while it is hard to do it all, I'll second that it can be done. But I sure wouldn't argue against it if someone could add several extra hours onto every day.


It's a question that comes up so often: how do you find time to write? I think the most illuminating reply is: how do YOU find time to clean house/attend meetings/shop for shoes?

In other words, we all find or make time for the things we truly want to do. Thank goodness Dean really wants to write!

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