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March 28, 2013


catriona mcpherson

Speechless. Round our way you can get "Davis", "Davis, CA" "UC AGGIES" or "I [tomato] THE DAVIS FOOD CO-OP" and that's your lot. These are indescribably awful!

Elaine Viets

The big mystery, Catriona, is who buys these shirts and do they ever wear them once they're home?

Karen in Ohio

Board Stiff is a great read, Elaine! I love how Helen Hawthorne has morphed from taking dead-end jobs to support herself to taking dead-end jobs undercover. Well done. This book really steps up the suspense, too.

Florida doesn't have a lock on gross and inappropriate souvenir junk, sadly. Moose dropping earrings are available up north, you know. Ick, ick, ick.

Elaine Viets

Ick indeed, Karen. Here I was blaming the sun. Those earring are too gross to think about.

Alan P.

Elaine, you have been out of the Midwest too long. Lake of the Ozarks offers all of those shirts. No Gator Poop that I know of. There is a whole line of "Dam" shirts available.

Marcia Talley

Oh, ugh, Elaine. I thought it was bad when my husband bought our daughter a shirt on Guana Cay that said, "I have sand in my happy place." But your "finds" trump that in awfulness.

Elaine Viets

How could I forget the Ozarks, Alan? I spent many vacations there as a kid. I wanted the Daisy Mae salt and pepper shakers in the souvenir shops. Daisy had an S on one breast and a P on the other.
Mom always led me away from that display.

Elaine Viets

That's pretty tacky, Marcia. Did your daughter wear the shirt?

Charlaine Harris

I've seen worse, but those are really awful. I think people take them home, wear them once, and after all the unfavorable comment, they're cleaning rags. At least, I hope so.

Elaine Viets

Me, too, Charlaine. Vacation brain is a terrible disease, but the effects wear off after you're home a few days.

catriona mcpherson

Oof. Marcia, I think you're in the lead.


I suspect the tacky T-shirts are how some people convince themselves they're having fun when they're really sunburned, hungover, and they have sand in their happy place.

Elaine Viets

I think you've got it, Kris.

Tom Barclay

Rude, Crude & Lewd - the low-rent tourist mantra. Might also be the name of the t-shirt printers. You suffer this for how many months of the year?

Elaine Viets

The snowbirds show up around Thanksgiving and will start going home next week. Should mention that most tourists here are either New Yorkers, who wouldn't be caught dead in those shirts, or quiet Canadians.

Kelly Saderholm

I grew up in the Shadow of Smokey Mountains National Park and still go back and visit family. T-shirts there are pretty tasteless- of a kind with the Ozarks and Daisey Mae.

I admit to being a Florida-visiting tourist- I go as often as I can with my Native-Floridian SIL. I have bought t-shirts- but of the Palm-tree and sailboat variety. We are a pretty quiet bunch- frequently I have been amazed at the loud rudeness of other tourists who seem to think that if they are on Vacation, every else is there just to serve them. Having lived in a "Vacation Destination" place- I feel hyper sensitive to that sort of thing. Gives tourists a bad name.

Elaine Viets

I hear you, Kelly. Some condos that rent to tourists and locals are hard to live in -- the tourists want to party all night, and who can blame them. Like you, we try to give tourists a good name when we go on vacation.

Sarah Glenn

We're riding out the last hurrah here. Clearwater was packed yesterday.

TripSmarter says we have one week left, but that's not bad:

Elaine Viets

I wouldn't dare drive down A1A, the beach road, right now, Sarah. I can stand spring break a little longer, and those tourist dollars are good for all of us.

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