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November 18, 2013


Donna Andrews

Loan, how does being a death investigator affect your social life? Do friends and family avoid asking you things like "So, how was work today?"


A really fascinating interview! Thanks for visiting the Femmes, Loan.

Hank Phillippi Ryan

The BIRD bit the guy? Whoa. See--you cannot make this stuff up. This is fascinating (and educational)...thank you!

Charlaine Harris

Really, is that not amazing?

Charlaine Harris

Marcia Talley

I've heard of DNA from a cat hair solving a case, but a bird bite? How wonderful … well, from a mystery-writers point of view anyway.

Elaine Viets

An amazing interview, Loan. I took a Death Investigator's course at St. Louis University, but never practiced.
At the time DI's filled out a lot of forms, listing clothing, jewelry, and other things during the body actualization. Is that paperwork still done now, or do you use laptops or iPads?

Green Dragon

WOW. This is an amazing interview. I'm a fan of CSI and I like to see how real police work compares to the movies.

Gippy Henry

Very informative. I'm glad to hear someone comment on the way women dress in some of these shows. It's distracting like when a reader of fiction is deeply connected to the storyline and the writer interjects their opinion--suddenly the reader is back to reality. That's what the ridiculous clothing at a crime scene does to me.

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