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December 20, 2013



I've read four on your list, Little Women, Complete works of William Shakespeare and The Age of Innocence. The last two were read because I was an English major in college, but even though they were assigned, I enjoyed them and the writing itself. Little Women was one of the first "big" books I read when I was about 12. I've re-read it many times, bringing more to it when I was older and older and older . . . The fourth is The Mystery at Shadow Ranch. I've read the whole Nancy Drew series more than once. Memories.


Well..we connect on the Age of Innocence, that's also on my top ten. But not so much the others.
My other nine..
Small Changes by Marge Piercy
Something Happened by Joseph Heller
Easter Parade by Richard Yates
The World According to Garp by John Irving
The Razor's Edge by Somerset Maugham
The Golden Bowl by Henry James
The Forsyte Saga by John Galsworthy
Out of Africa by Isak Dinesen
At Play in the Fields of the Lord by Peter Mathiessen

This is today's list anyway..sometimes a Prayer for Owen Meany replaces garp..

Lynn E.

Little Women is a match. It was The Haunted Bridge that got me hooked on Nancy Drew, but close enough.

Kelly Saderholm

I have not read the Bone People. But since Ive read everything else on your list, and loved them, I'll have to seek it out and read it.

Charlaine Harris

Same here.

Hank Phillippi Ryan

The Stand and Age of Innocence. With you, absolutely! What a great list...xo

Dana Cameron

Joan and Lynn: Any Drew will do! Rosemary and Hank--I stood on the bench and said "WHAT?" at the end of AGE OF INNOCENCE. It had me floored. Kelly and Charlaine, I hope you enjoy THE BONE PEOPLE. It's not for the faint of heart, but the payoff is magnificent.

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