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January 27, 2014



Kathryn, I could no more write a novel about Victorian England than I could fit into one of the corsets - but that hasn't stopped me getting premise envy of your Five Princesses. How delicious - and a great post.

Dana Cameron

What a terrific piece, Kathryn! Thanks for blogging with the Femmes Fatales. As for this Fatale, I'm not bad; I'm just drawn that way. ;)

Hank Phillippi Ryan

WOnderful post, thank you! Using whatever methods to get what you want--is a far different thing from being "evil." When men do it, they call it "being a success."

Catriona, premise envy??? I am howling with laughter.

(And Dana, you in the BSI dress were just as Jessica as anyone I've ever seen...)

Kathryn Johnson

Thanks, Catriona, Dana, and Hank! Such fun dropping in at Femmes Fatales. Yes, men walk over or outwit their enemies and succeed. Women are called nasty names for being aggressive on their own behalf. Ha! And talk about envy--all you BSI folks--what I wouldn't give to have been with you. (Gotta love Sherlock!)

Kathryn Johnson

PS--Silly me gave the wrong link for Goodreads. Here it is, gang:

Donna Andrews

Don't worry, Kathryn; I updated and linked the Goodreads link in the text.

And really looking forward to reading The Shadow Princess!

nancy baggett

So many conventions and rules governing women's behavior in the past were IMHO simply designed to keep them subservient and dependent. It's delightful that you've spotlighted and celebrated some early "uppity" women in your stories--definitely fun reading about.

Ruth Glick

The irony w/ Queen Victoria is that she did to her daughters what men did to women. Sad, since she had to fight for her own independence when she was young.

Donna Andrews

A good point, Ruth. I've always wondered if Princess Beatrice's savage editing of her mother's diaries was a subconscious form of revenge.

Or maybe not so subconscious.


I think your observations are right on target. Victoria's daughters had all of the scrutiny but none of the freedom which is why I find the premises of your books so fascinating and clever. In order to have any life at all, these princesses would have needed to have secret ones. In the past, I really never gave those princesses much thought, but living their lives in that broad maternal shadow must have been a peculiar sort of torture.

Toby Devens

Risk-taking women, daring women, powerful women--brava to them all! Agree with your statement that women are named "witches" (with a capital B) for challenging boundaries and leaping barriers, while men displaying the same traits are applauded for bravery and genius. To follow Victoria's daughters as they defy mother, Queen and convention in your wonderful novels is sheer reading pleasure.


Thanks, everyone, for your great comments! Loved my visit here with the fabulous Femmes Fatales. Hugs, MHP

Elaine Viets

Thanks for an entertaining post. Those five princesses were determined women of character. Queen Victoria was formidable.

Eileen Buckholtz

Good insights, Kathryn. Strong women in history were often labeled as dangerous, evil or worse. Probably the male historians didn't want to encourage role models to upset the balance. I've really enjoyed the earlier books in the series and look forward to the Shadow Princess.


Kathryn, all these books sound fabulous. I'm crazy about anything set in London. Plus intrigue and royalty ... I can't wait to read them. Thank you so much!

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