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January 28, 2014


Dana Cameron

Thanks for blogging with the Femmes Fatales, Terry! One of my favorite questions came at the holidays, in the post office. The bloke behind the counter noticed my envelope was to my agent. He then asked, with a line of at least twenty people behind me, how he should successfully write his book and publish it. A question worth a lifetime of pondering! I said (feeling the daggers being sharpened behind me): finish writing it, get increasingly tough criticism, and write lots of different stuff. I slid my card over the counter and said to check out my website for more tips and slinked away as quickly as I could.

James Ziskin

Great post, Terry. I especially like your thoughts on villains and sympathy.

Terry Shames

Dana, that's hilarious. I can imagine the daggers--especially since probably 10% of the people in line also had a work in progress.

Had a similar (but, really, really different) experience at the grocery store last night. I was in the "9 or fewer" items line, in a hurry with one item. The woman in front of me said to the checker, "Ooo, love your lipstick." Whereupon the checker took out her purse, rummaged through it for her lipstick and proceeded to have a nice long chat about it. Daggers!

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Yeah, the "how can I do what you seem to have done, just tell me while you sign my book" ploy seems to be a nationwide thing.

As a reporter, I smetiemsget teh reporter questions in my book talks: like "Do you think the public has the right to know everything?"

Tip toe tip toe tap dance tap dance..

Terry, congratulations on your WILD success!

Hank Phillippi Ryan

With typos fixed...sigh

Yeah, the "how can I do what you seem to have done, just tell me while you sign my book" ploy seems to be a nationwide thing.

As a reporter, I sometimes get the reporter questions in my book talks: like "Do you think the public has the right to know everything?"

Tip toe tip toe tap dance tap dance..

Terry, congratulations on your WILD success!

R Szostak

So far I've authored three non-fiction (technical) tomes in an obscure field and the most common question that I get (from graduate and post-doctoral students) when asked to sign a copy of one of my books is: "Oh wow, YOU wrote that book? I thought you were dead!" Apparently most technical books are written by dead professors ...and I'm not even 'old'...yet! HA!

Terry Shames

Oh, dear, R. Szostak, that's an unfortunate line. Glad you are alive and well and writing!

Hank, this is so strange...I saw the typo and knew exactly what it said. "Typewriter think." By the way, I challenge you to an arm-wrestling contest at Left Coast Crime.

R Szostak

I'm Rosemarie. I logged in via my Google account which apparently doesn't give my first name.

It's amazing the questions people ask authors. The fact that someone asked about what your character was planning in the future says volumes about their believability and likability.

Hank Phillippi Ryan

"I thought you were dead!" Rosemarie, that is...weil, I guess it is hilarious. xoo

Cindy Sample

Hank, I'm challenging you to a tap dance off! Terry, this was great. Since there is PG romance in my series, people always want to know when my protagonist and her detective boyfriend will actually succeed in getting behind closed doors! I'm still waiting to find out myself. But the weirdest question was having an attendee ask me if I'd go out with him! And he wasn't kidding!

Malena E.

The funniest question I heard at a reading was for Elizabeth George, who had just killed off her Helen Linley character and someone in the audience asked, "But don't you miss Helen?" Her answer was something along the lines of no, but if I did I'd just have to think about her since I made her up in the first place.
Congratulations on the book, Terry!


Malena - you have won the giveaway! Can you email me at [email protected] with your address? Cx

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