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February 17, 2014


Hank Phillippi Ryan

Being pushed off the roof into a pool of Jello??

Already jelled Jello, or still hot liquid? See, now you have me thinking about this. :-)

Elizabeth Heiter

Hi Hank! Thanks for having me here today!

Hmmm...I'd always imagined it jelled, but the still-hot liquid would be another way to go...

Sally Schmidt

Librarian! As a 50’s & 60’s girl in small town Midwest we were supposed to be nurse (eewwww), teacher (patience?), or secretary (ok, plus mom said learn to type so not a waitress like me and can sit down once in awhile). Stewardess too, but first too young, then too skinny (!!), and mom said that was a flying waitress anyway. So secretary it was, and finally SW engineer. When I look around now think I did get the dream job tho – surrounded by books (paper & electronic), have a master list. . . .good thing I am retiring from that SW gig in a couple of weeks. More time for my librarian work and following FB posts (see how I snuck that in?) and these blogs I am becoming addicted to!

Profiler series sounds like just my thing. Good luck! Can’t wait to read.

Elizabeth Heiter

Surrounded by all those books does sound heavenly (and a little bit dangerous!) I LOVE the library...when I was a kid, my mom took me every week and I'd come home with a stack of books too high to see over (and I'd need to go back before they were due for more!).

Thanks for visiting!! I hope you enjoy HUNTED! :)

Elizabeth Heiter

Being surrounded by books all the time sounds heavenly (and a little dangerous! ). I LOVE the library (my mom took me every weekend growing up and I'd come home with a stack of books too high to see over, then need more before they were due.)

Thanks for visiting, Sally! I hope you enjoy HUNTED! :)

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Plus being a librarian is so nice and ORGANZIED. That's what I love about he idea. Besides the books.

Susan P

I loved getting a glimpse into your growing up knowing you were a writer! That is awesome you want to see who people think is the killer at certain points in the book. I end up reading mysteries that way. I'll stop when I think I found a clue and then think of why it would make sense it's that person. Then when I come to another clue - I'll end up changing my mind and totally justify why I now think it's someone else. LOL
Thanks for pointing me here from FB!! Go UofM!
lattebooks at hotmail dot com

Elizabeth Heiter

Thanks, Susan! I do the same thing when I read mysteries...I think that's half the fun! Since I read (and write) so many, it's hard to fool me, but authors who do go on my auto-buy list!

Go blue!! :)

Elaine Viets

Hi, Elizabeth,and congratulations on your new book. I wanted to be an artist until I realized couldn't draw. The teachers at school steered me into writing and I'm glad they did.

Elizabeth Heiter

Thank you, Elaine! It's been so exciting finally seeing my book on shelves! :)

I think there are a lot of readers out there very, very happy your teachers knew where you really belonged!

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Well, sure, I WANTED to be a ballerina. But that was never gonna happen...!

Barb Han

I ADORED this book! So fun to get to know authors better with these interviews. Much continued success to you, Elizabeth. And, I'm anxiously waiting for your next book.

Elizabeth Heiter

Thanks so much, Barb!! I really appreciate your support, and I'm so happy you enjoyed HUNTED! :)

Hank Phillippi Ryan

And the winner is SALLY SCHMIDT! Email me at h ryan @ whdh dot com and I will send you HUNTED!


Hank Phillippi Ryan

And welcome, Barb and Susan P! So grew to see you here!

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Ah, my computer. I KNOW I didn't type "Grew"! I mean--great. :-)

Dana Cameron

Welcome, Elizabeth, and best wishes for the new book! I wanted to be a writer from very early, until I thought I'd have to get into bar fights to have something to write about...

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