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February 28, 2014


Terrie Farley Moran

Great job, Jenny. I love the historical info about the group.

Susan Holmes

The MMC group is a warm, welcoming group, and the level of support is a testament to Jenny's hard work.

This group reflects the diversity of cozy writers, and the variety of cozies themselves. The genre seems to be evolving into a wide spectrum of work, from the light and humorous to what some might see as closer to a traditional 'Whodunit." As a writer, I always appreciate hearing different perspectives!


MMC sounds absolutely wonderful! Congratulations on eleven years and counting.


Welcome to the Femmes, Jenny. And thanks for creating such a warm and welcoming group to celebrate the cozy mystery

Marja McGraw

I think MMC is a terrific group. I don't participate much, but one of these days I'd like to. Thank you so much for sharing the history of the group.


Thank you, Jenny and Ralph! This is great info for our blog readers, and we appreciate you taking time to be with us today. Congratulations on the many successes of MMC. Okay, going over to Facebook now ... :)

Jenny Hanahan

I'm loving reading your comments! Doing the interview was so much fun!

Mary Ellen Hughes

Jenny didn't mention the incredible amount of work she must do toward keeping MMC as organized, interesting and welcoming as it is. In addition, she has always set a positive tone that makes the group one of my favorite places to visit. Her southern charm really comes through.


I joined the group when it was on Yahoo and was very active for a while. I'm not quite as active today on Facebook as I'd like to be, but I still post links to my reviews occasionally.

I've found some good authors through the forum and had lots of fun chatting with other cozy fans and the authors who keep us in books.

Thanks for all the years of memories.

Nancy Jill Thames

MMC has always been a warm and welcoming site for cozy mystery authors like myself. I personally appreciate all the time and effort you put forth, Jenny. Awesome interview, you two!

~Nancy Jill Thames
Author of The Jillian Bradley Mystery Series

Alicia F

Wonderful job Jenny and Ralph! I've enjoyed being a member of the MMC family.

Jenny Hanahan, Mystery Most Cozy

Hugs to all of you and thanks so much for the wonderful encouraging comments!

Elaine Viets

Welcome to the Femmes, Jenny, and thanks for promoting the often under-appreciated cozy.

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