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February 13, 2015


Elaine Viets

Ooh, I'm shivering already, and not from cold. I consider winter a horror, period. Especially your Boston winters with tons of snow. Cngratulations. Looking forward to this story.

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Such a great idea. And surrounded by snow and terrifying icicles, and with freezing fingers and fifteen
layers of clothing even inside, I cannot wait to read it. This spring., though, okay?

Charlaine Harris

I'm now really anxious to read all the stories.


Love the genesis of this story Dana. Sounds like I might lose a few nights sleep because of it, but it will be worth it.


Thanks, Elaine and Hank! Charlaine, I can't wait to read the whole collection.

Kristopher, I hope you love it!

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