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February 23, 2015


Karen in Ohio

Donna, that raspberry coneflower is so gorgeous. Is that from your garden?

Thanks for the little taste of non-snow, non-frigid. We needed that.

Donna Andrews

From my garden, although I did not grow it from seed. No idea if it will come back this year. It's in a planter, which means it's more vulnerable to cold, and boy, have we had cold this winter. But I have acquired some seeds for the same or a similar coneflower, so one way or another I hope to have more of them.

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Yes,yes, thank you!

From under 7 feet of snow..xooxo

Donna Andrews

From under a mere two feet of snow, I hope it helps a little!

Margaret Turkevich

it might be a pink double delight coneflower or raspberry truffle. My favorite is pink poodle, which survived last year's hideous winter with robust blooms. The daylilies also had an outstanding summer last year.

Kait Carson

What a glorious deep breath of fresh springtime air! Thank you.

Mary S.

Beautiful. I love the bee. So nice of him to pose!

Donna Andrews

My coneflowers did well, but it was their first year. Daylilies . . . you must not have deer.

And Mary, I stalk the bees.

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