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March 27, 2015


Diane Hackbarth

I've been wrapped up in Zoe's adventures since the first page of Seven Kinds of Hell. Can't wait to just into Hellbender!

Charlaine Harris

I was very fortunate to read an early copy of "Hellbender," and believe me, it's one action-packed book. Dana keeps evolving! Like a snot monster!


Thanks, Diane! So great to see you and L last weekend! xoxo

Charlaine, thank you! And...maybe that could be a blurb for my next book? ;-)


Just today I am re-reading the Fangborn shorts with Claudian and Gerry gearing up for you new release. I am so looking forward to getting my hands on Hellbender.


Can't wait. I listened to the Fangborn books (and stories) on a road trip this winter (after having read them) and am even more excited for Zoe's next adventure.

Toni LP Kelner

I think the next book should be:


Sally Schmidt

This is such a fascinating series. I am excited about this book, too! Thanks for the giveaway.


I'm looking forward to reading this - very much enjoyed the last two!


Congratulations, Dana. I agree -- the real hellbender is too cute. More like a heckbender. Hope your book is a (dragon) roaring success.


The animal version is kind of cute - snot otter works. Thanks to Mr. G for the picture. Looking forward to reading more about the Fangborn version very soon!

Dana Cameron

Thank you, Mo, Kris, Avis, and Sally! I hope you enjoy the book!

Toni...um, sure! I bet my editor would LOVE that! ;-)

Elaine, I love heckbender! Lynn, it is very cute!

Thanks, all!

Hank Phillippi Ryan

That Mr. G knows you so well! ANd I love this
--cannot wait to read.

I wish I could think of some snot jokes, sigh. But:
it's not possible . :-)


Dana Cameron

Congratulations, Kris! You've won a copy of HELLBENDER! Please contact me with your address info, and whether you'd prefer audio or a paperback.

Thank you everyone, for joining in the fun!

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