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March 23, 2015


Charlaine Harris

Donna, what kind of vultures did you see? We live next to a colony of black vultures. They are fascinating and they look beautiful flying.

I'm always looking for good places to hide bodies, and I always feel self-conscious when I buy plastic sheets. It seems obvious I'm buying them to wrap bodies in to prevent blood seepage.

Donna Andrews

Charlaine, I think ours are also black vultures (although I welcome any advice from vulture experts).

I don't often have occasion to buy plastic sheets, but I do feel self conscious when buying anything that could be used to poison people.

Hank Phillippi Ryan

LOVE this! And only you could see it this way! Perfect. xoxo

Donna Andrews

Only me? Should I worry?

Mary Hawkes

Down the road here in Woodbridge, Donna, there's a huge purple area of crocuses in our backyard..they spread every year.

Donna Andrews

Mine get eaten by mice and voles and chipmunks. Sigh.

Margaret Turkevich

Would you believe I sanitized our rolling garbage cart and then had my husband help me climb inside, researching what position an adult body would assume after being dumped inside the cart?

Charlaine Harris

Sure, I'd believe that. I've used a garbage cart before. They're a great size!

Donna Wms

I cannot find a reference through Google, but this isn't a friend of a friend story - I was there, it happened a mile from my condo in Aurora CO. When the snow began to melt they found the body of a murdered teenager buried in one of the mountains of snow piled up by the snowplows. He had been missing for two months and it was thought that his body had been there the whole time. That would have been 1985. It was not too far from where the theater killings were in 2012 - I'm rather glad I didn't continue to live there.

Jayne Barnard

Up here near the BC/Washington state border, it's bald eagles rather than vultures. I saw one yesterday, dining on the shoulder of the road, and pondered the body disposal implications as well. He glared at me. There was no other vehicle nearby so I pulled way over into the oncoming lane and let him continue his meal in peace.

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