One survival tactic for last winter was dreaming where we might travel when the snows receded and spring is a time when folks start to plan vacations. You might be considering the adventure of a lifetime in some exotic locale, or you may be planning to climb to the summit of your TBR pile.
So, my question is: Where are you heading this summer? What's on your travel bucket-list? Or what books will provide your getaway?
I was hoping there would be lots of suggestions here!
Our family is planning a meet-up in Europe at the end of September, in Munich for Oktoberfest. But we need to decide where else we're going, too. Because it would be cost-prohibitive to stay in Munich during Oktoberfest, when everything costs three times as much as it normally does. We've talked about Italy, but where, exactly, in Italy should we go? Now one daughter is going to Istanbul, which I've also wanted to see.
Posted by: Karen in Ohio | April 25, 2015 at 05:31 AM
The much-delayed and interrupted exterior remodel impacted the interior work, so optimistically hoping that it will be done by summer and I can start to climb to the summit of my TBR pile (I love that phrase!). Reading non-stop could be a series of wonderful mini-vacations. And if the broken foot finally gets out of The Big Boot there could be a couple of trips to see great-grandbabies.
Posted by: Sally Schmidt | April 25, 2015 at 08:48 AM
This summer, we're headed to Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Norway. Never been to any of them, so this is exciting! Last summer, we made it to two bucket list destinations, Machu Picchu and the Galápagos Islands.
Posted by: Joni | April 25, 2015 at 06:28 PM
Paris, Paris, Paris, and then a trip to Paris. Why go anywhere else? Well, perhaps a side trip to London, in case you get tired of trying speak (not very successfully) French. But they are much more forgiving than they used to be. You actually get points for just trying. And meanwhile, YOU ARE IN PARIS!!
Posted by: Elaine McCarthy | April 25, 2015 at 07:00 PM
We're heading for Italy this year! It's a tour that includes Rome, Florence, Venice, and parts of Tuscany. I've got a love-hate relationship with tours but I am delighted to be taking one when the country is one where I don't speak the language.
Posted by: Toni LP Kelner | April 27, 2015 at 06:58 AM
Karen, I can't help you with where to stay in Germany, but I loved, loved Venice. Sally, best of luck with that TBR climb and getting to see the grandbabies soon!
Joni, that sounds wonderful--we made our first trip to Scandinavia a few years ago and loved it. Elaine, I've had some terrific times in Paris and London, and yes, you get waaay more credit for trying these days.Toni, you'll have a fantastic time.
Posted by: Dana | April 27, 2015 at 07:04 AM
I still have Egypt at the top of my bucket list. A whole bunch of places on that list, but Egypt is what got me interested in archaeology way back when.
Posted by: Dana | April 27, 2015 at 07:06 AM