The Femmes

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September 04, 2015


Hank Phillippi Ryan

Agreed..pumpkin flavor belongs in pumpkin.

I may still have a gin and tonic. But after Labor Day?? Hmm.


Hank, I have wrestled with the conundrum of the Labor Day gin and tonic deadline before. I've decided that until the temps consistently drop below 75F, it's still legal. Though I wouldn't order one in public. ;-)

Margaret Hamilton Turkevich

Hideously hot and humid in Cincinnati. I plan to spend the weekend in a lounge chair at the pool, catching up on partner critiques. In Atlanta, people transitioned to black linen after Labor Day. This year, we'll be wearing gym shorts until it snows.

Toni L.P. Kelner

Sometimes I think about the coming winter. Once the screaming stops, I put my flip-flops on and go outside to remind myself I've still got time.

Mario in DC

Dana, the easiest way to deal with the G&T conundrum is to remember it's summer in Australia -- so just pour yourself out a glass of January G&T, put on a Johnny Clegg CD, and relax. ;>

Storyteller Mary

St. Louis area where, as my dad used to say, "If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute and it'll change," we're back in the 90s. I favor wearing, eating, drinking, and doing whatever feels right for the ever-changing conditions, sandals and Ice cream today, but who knows what tomorrow may bring? Dressing in layers can help . . . always my advice to students because my classroom's temp. was also variable.


Margaret, that sounds like an excellent plan!

There you go, Toni! Make hay while ...there's no snow.

Ah, Mario, very good idea! And it's been ages since I've listened to Johnny Clegg and/or Savuka!

Mary, it's the same here in New England. At a certain point, you just want the weather to commit to one thing or the other!

Mary S.

Ack! double-nix on the snowstorm dream! Surely, SURELY y'all will have a nice mild winter this time after all that.

It's 95 and humid here too. Gym shorts wardrobe a must, refrigerator is full of nice cold Pellegrino.

Kathy Lynn Emerson

Sorry, all, but the Farmers Almanac, which has a high rate of accuracy, is predicting a repeat of last winter. Meanwhile, local forecasters here in central Maine are expecting our first official (three consecutive days of 90 or more) heat wave of the year for the first part of next week. I feel sorry for the kids in school. This far north, none of them are air conditioned.


Sounds like you're well prepared, Mary S!

And, eek, Kathy! Say it isn't so. Yeah, I can't imagine it's any fun for the kids...

Susan Neace

I spent 2 days this week at the yearly continuing legal education conference in Owensboro ky in the nearly new convention center. It was in the 90s both days but the conference rooms were so cold even the guys with heavy suit jackets referred to the rooms as the deep freeze. People had hoods up and I huddled in a blanket. Even dressed warmly the next day I was too cold. Both days when I got in my car I sat for 5 minutes with the windows up to get warm. I am newly reminded that winter will be here soon


We're in the mid-90s here. I went out last week looking for a new bathing suit. I do put off that awful, humiliating experience as long as I can, but it will remain swimming weather here for months. But it's too late to find a bathing suit anywhere around here, yet the winter clothes are out everywhere. Retailers, it's still summer!


Susan, I like air-conditioning, but that sounds over the top! Glad you had a blanket.

Kris, I hate looking for a bathing suit, too. And when I start thinking about it (y'know, in late spring), they're already out of stock. Ugh!

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