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October 30, 2015


Debi Murray

Swerve, by Vicki Pettersson. It is more of a thriller than a mystery, but the crimes in it are enough to make you shake with adrenaline!
Originally, I did not make plans for M&M in M this year because I wasn't sure if I would still be living in the vicinity. However, we are still here, knee deep in renovations, and while I really should not take any time off...I will if I win.


Nice one, Debi!

Maureen Conaty

Assassins by Gayle Lynds was wonderfully written with an international setting, murder, thrills and chills.

Have enjoyed M and M for several years and this year the move to the Irish Cultural Center is divine!! I'll be happy to say Dana sent me!


Ooh, love her, Maureen!

Elaine Viets

Really wish I could go to M&M. The conference brings in so many good writers. But I'm in rewrites. Have a good time, Dana, and congratulations, lucky winner. Some day . . .

Cath Hoffner

Wish I could go too but too many conflicts. Have fun!

Storyteller Mary

I can't make it, but I do want to share how taken I am with Hank's _What You See_. I seldom take time to read things a second time, what with the big list of favorites to keep up with, but I reread a big piece of this one, and enjoyed it even more the second time.

Ellie Enos

My favorite so far this year is Margaret Maron's Long Upon the Land. I was sad to see that the 2oth book in the Judge Deborah Knott series was the culmination, but this book was fantastic. I particularly love Kezzie Knott. His presence from The Bootlegger's Daughter until now has been that extra layer of excellence in the series.


Thanks, Elaine--and good luck with the rewrites!

Thank you, Cath!

Thanks for stopping by, Mary--I'll be sure to let Hank know!

Ellie, Margaret is great!

Hank Phillippi Ryan

WOW! Thank you, dear Mary! YOu bring tears to my eyes! Thank you!

ANd my fave recently is Shannon Kirk's Method 15/30. Strange title, but AMAZING book. Seriously. Check it out. And--I hear--soon to be a major motion picture, I love when that happens to a book I insist I discovered. :-)


I'd been waiting so long to get my hands on the last Lacey Flint mystery by SJ Bolton, A Dark and Twisted Tide, and it exceeded my expectations so darn much. I really can't stop thinking about it.

Of course, I haven't started Stuart MacBride's The Missing and the Dead yet, so... :D


Oh, nifty, Hank! How cool is that?

Sounds like you have a lot of great reads, Oddmonstr!


The contest is CLOSED! Thanks to everyone for playing. :-)

Congratulations, Maureen Conaty! I'll see you at Murder and Mayhem in Milwaukee. I'll pass your name along to the folks at registration (be sure to bring ID).

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