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November 19, 2015


Elaine Viets

Once again, a thought-provoking and offbeat collection of books, Mary. There are so few reviews that can be trusted any more. Glad you took the time to talk about these.
I'm holding a Jeffrey Deaver fest -- finished "Roadside Crossess" and "Edge," a stand-alone.

Marcia Talley

What an eclectic collection, Mary! Thank you. I love the juxtaposition of the "bigfoot" book with Darwin's Origin of the Species.

Susan Neace

I am rereading the 3 Firebird short story collections edited by Sharyn November. Excellent! Waiting on Amazon to deliver the latest Robin D. Owens Celta book and Sharon Shinn's latest from the Elemental Blessings series which my nearest local box store didn't carry

Mary S.

Elaine, the Deaver fest sounds good. :) I like to do those every now and then too.

Funny, Marcia! Didn't even think of that. My inner bookmonster sneaked one by me again. :)

Susan, wow, that's three authors I haven't read yet. The Elemental Blessings sounds very familiar though. May be in my wish list. Thank you so much - can't wait to check these out.

Susan Neace

Mary, Mystic and Rider by Sharon Shinn is a book I reread often. Although it is the first in a series it works as a standalone just fine.

Mary S.

Audible has Mystic and Rider, plus several other Shinn titles. Plus the Elemental series. All are very highly rated. Yippee!

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