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May 10, 2016


Hank Phillippi Ryan

Oh, love this! And I agree, one person's delight is another's onerous research project.

Cathi, how do you keep your short stories from turning into novels?


It's lovely to have you here, Cathi. Thanks for helping us celebrate Short Story Month - and for the giveaway!

Cathi Stoler

Hi Hank, Once I finish writing a story, there's always more I think about adding. So, it does seem the stories want to become novels, especially with the Nick Donahue character. I gave in and just finished a full length novel. And, I have at least one more planned.

Sally Schmidt

This is what is so great about reading - and I have to say that while I don't always like it, today's world of constant media gives me the opportunity to read terrific blogs like this, 2 different authors (people) but see how they mesh.

I like stand alone short stories, but I always like to read the occasional short about characters in my favorite novels. I like it to be kind of a stand alone too, makes it like just picking up the phone to say "How are you doing?" and then you can wait for the next big visit.

Matthew Clemens


Thanks for showing us a series that sounds like a fast, exciting read. Cathi, all success to you, can't wait to wade into Nick Donahue's world.

Nina Mansfield

As a reader, if I love a character, I'll seek her or him out wherever I can- short story, novel, big screen, etc. As a writer, all my short stories have been stand alones, but I keep planning to change that. What a wonderful post for International Short Story Month! Cathi, I can't wait to start reading your series. Where can I find "Fatal Flaw"?

Kathy Reel

Catriona, thanks for bringing Cathi and Nick to my attention. Cathi, your series sounds like some great adventure, and Nick appears to be one of those characters that would keep "calling me back," as Catriona puts it.

I'm a fan of short stories between books in a series, as I usually can't get enough of a favorite character(s).

Jess Lourey

Catriona, I agree that Cathi is the real deal. Cathi, I'm hoping for the best for you and Nick! Thanks for sharing.

Julie Hyzy

New short stories to read! Yay! Thanks for introducing us to Nick. I can't wait to meet him between the sheets. Oh wait, that didn't come out right! ;) Thanks for sharing your "backward" journey. Love it!

Karen in Ohio

Cathi, this is exactly what I need to read on my upcoming trip--which will include both Venice and Prague!

The cover of the book intrigues me; lots of tension just in the illustration. Love it!

Risa Rispoli

I love all stories. But short stories are great for me on L&D. So now I have new books for when I'm labor sitting!!! Thanks Cathi!

Vicki Weisfeld

Such a great insight. Even the best, tightest novel has byways and sidepaths that cry out to be explored. Thanks, Catriona and Cathi!

Lori Rader-Day

I used to write short stories but haven't in a few years. I think I've forgotten how!

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Hi Risa! SO great to see you here! xoxoo


So interesting how this character has evolved for you. Nick sounds like a very fun character for sure.

Dina Willner

Love this. Short stories are one of my favorite ways of finding new authors. And this certainly sounds fascinating.

Cathi Stoler

Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments & thanks to Catriona for having me on the blog.

I'll be choosing a winner for the Nick of Time novella later today.

Have a great day!

Catriona McPherson

Sally Schmidt! You have won the giveaway. Congratulations. Everyone else - happy shopping! Sally, could you please email [email protected] and let me know whether you would rather have an ebook or a print copy? Ta.

Sally Schmidt

Thank you Cathi and Catriona! Sent my info via gmail.

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