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May 11, 2016



Oh, what joy! Never drop your standards, Dean. Okay, I apologise for my sentence fragments. But when it comes to subjunctives - there's a US/UK difference. The subjunctive is much deader in the UK than it is here. Would that it were not, but it is. I'm guilty of using "quote (n)" too, but never "invite(n)", which makes me shudder.

Judy Enersen

So, so true. And to rub salt into the wound, my grandson's college English teacher gave him a "B" for an essay that contained: run on sentences, capitalization errors, punctuation errors, and the ever present apostrophe - such as the one in Jim Jone's.
And then, there is my 15-year-old granddaughter that writes "nmd" for never mind.

Marcia Talley

Sigh. Couldn't agree more.

All that GLISTERS is not gold ...

Water, water everywhere NOR ANY drop to drink!

Not to mention waiting for something with "baited" breath. Always wonder what it's baited with. Tuna?


I try. I know that grammar is important. But I can't remember all those rules. I'm sure people cringe at what I write and post on the internet, but I think I'm usually fairly close to the grammar rules. Hopefully, I'm at least understandable.

Hank Phillippi Ryan

How about, "Oh," she thought to herself, "what if…"

Who else are you going to think to?

And yes, forgive me for sentence fragments.

And "Invite." Cannot bear it. Cannot. And "old fashion" whatever. Auggh.

Mario R.

On the back of the t-shirts a few male students were wearing on campus back in the early 70s, when reading The Happy Hooker was all the rage:

Xaviera's Boy's.

Of all the places to use an apostrophe for a plural ... I honestly don't think these guys were actually implying what they thought they were. (And, no, they were het.)

Anne Murphy

What about modifying "unique"? If something is unique, it is one (from the Latin); how can it be "more" or "very"?

Mother always claimed that "very" was weakening, with an implication of not always. I didn't go to D. C. public schools or Wilson Teachers' College during the depression of the 1930's, so I can't cite her reference for this argument.

Do teens who "graduate high school" paint inches, feet, and yards up the side of the building?

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