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July 06, 2016


Abigail Goben

Wow...quite a garage sale adventure!!

Depending on your plans for the fall--my mom did a "Blessing Sale" which I loved the idea of. She put stuff out and a few cans with different charities on them. Her phrase was "it's been a blessing in my life and I hope it can be a blessing in yours." and if anyone still tried to give her money she said they could donate--I think she did Red Cross, local food bank. Apparently people really enjoyed it.

Glad your knee is getting better, looking forward to the new book!

Sherry Harris

Oh, I am bossy some times! It was fun except for the various injuries!

Jeanie Jackson

Yard sale/Garage sales are a nightmare to have but fun to visit. When Sherry first mentioned this one on FB, I was so envious of the people who got to! You were lucky to have her, but it sounds like your luck didn't extend much further. I hope that every thing falls in line for the next one. Selling your books sounds great as long as people understand that there will be no haggling over them. :) Love reading about your experience just as I love reading about Meg's!

Vickie Fee

It appears a group of mystery writers can't plot anything, including a garage sale, without victims. I'm sorry the victims were you and Barb! Kathryn's van mix-up added a plot complication as well. Hope your next garage sale has a little less drama!

Marcia Talley

If I hadn't had grandkids and families for the holiday weekend, I would have been there with my own contributions! As for all the sturm und drang, as we say -- material, material, material.

Donna Andrews

I like the idea of a blessing sale . . and no, Sherry, you are not bossy. You brilliantly filled the job we gave you, which was to tell us newbies what we needed to do. Jeanie, you're right about the haggling over book prices--maybe we should invite a bookseller to handle that! Vickie, we're all healing nicely. Marcia, if you want in on the fall sale, we'll keep you posted.

Toni LP Kelner

My mother and I used to go yard-sailing every weekend, and brought home books and fabric and all kinds of stuff. Then Mama decided to get rid of some the surplus, and had her own sale. Then another. Then she joined in on a group sale at a church lot. Then another. Eventually she worked her way up to a regular flea market dealer, and also sold stuff at auction.

So be careful. It's easy to get sucked in!

That may be why I've never had a yard sale. We box all our discards and give 'em to a charity that comes to the house to pick it all up.

Karen in Ohio

Ouch, to Barb and Donna and David. I hope everyone is feeling great again by now.

We live back a long driveway, with no visual from the road. And no parking, anyway. So my only attempt at a yard sale was 30 years ago, and it was a bust.

Diana Belchase

Hope you are all feeling better!


What an adventure. Glad everyone is recovering from their injuries. Apart from that, it does sound like fun.

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