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July 08, 2016


Hank Phillippi Ryan

Oh, the soundtrack of Love, Actually.

And because of a facebook post from Rosemary Harris, I thought about Laura Nyro---and just listened to her songs again. SO wonderful.

And do you know the Joni Mitchell song "Carey" ? That instantly makes me sing along.

Mary S.

Good ones, Hank!

Oh my, I haven't thought about Carey in ages. Yes, definitely one that pulls you in. That album (Blue) really hooked me w/lots of good sing-along songs. Plus some of them were pretty good short stories too. :)

Thank you - so glad you mentioned these.

Aubrey Hamilton

I love Al Jarreau! Theme from Moonlighting is one of my all time favorites. I ran across IGY by Donald Fagen a couple of weeks ago and I've been humming it incessantly ever since.

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Oh, Donald Fagen! Thank you, Aubrey! Now I am humming, too..xoxoo

Elaine Viets

Love the books and music, Mary. "The Garderobe of Death" is a perfect spook title, straight out of Monty Python. I like the Smithsonian Collection of Blues, including songs by Mississippi John Hurt.

Mary S.

Hey, Aubrey! I do like Fagan's jazziness. The earlier albums Aja, Royal Scam and Gaucho though have the songs I gotta hear every now and then Such great musicianship, not as spare as his solo work tracks. I like lots of stuff going on at once. :)

Elaine, aren't those archives fantastic! And Mississippi John Hurt would also fall into my Happy category. He's a joy to watch.

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