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July 01, 2016


Cathy M

Have you thought of getting one of those machines that launch balls for dogs to chase and retrieve? I saw one called the iFetch that launched mini tennis balls that dogs can retrieve and put back in the machine. It seems like that could entertain Kevin and tire him out.

Elaine Viets

Hi, Kris. Congratulations, I think, on your new terrier. They used to be spit dogs -- they lived in cages and turned the meat spits in the old days. Any way you can put "Kevin's" energy to work? Sounds like s/he could generate enough energy to light your house.


Cathy, thanks for the suggestion, but the one time we gave her a tennis ball, she ripped it to shreds in minutes. For a little tyke, she's rough on toys. We're going to go broke buying them!


Elaine, I had no idea about the spit dogs history! Thanks for sharing that. We should look into getting her to fuel a generator.

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