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July 28, 2016


Mary Saums

Time sure does fly. It seems like only a little while since the newsletters came in the mail.

Also doesn't seem that long since Liz Squire passed. What a sweet lady. And a fireball when it came to promotion. :)

Deb - what's new in your editing/publishing world?

Dean James

Thanks for this peek back into the past, Deb! Hard to believe that 20 years have passed so quickly...


Indeed! In the blink of an eye (tempted to continue the Who theme by adding, 'Don't Blink.') two decades have passed. And I still sometimes think 'I'll call Liz Squire and ask her....' because she was such a dynamic presence that I can't quite grasp the finality.

Elaine Viets

Thank you for this look at Femmes history, Deb. I miss Liz Squire, too, though I wasn't a Femme back then. The Femmes have gone is such dynamic and different directions.

Mary Saums

Deb, Liz and I did one of those huge book fairs once which had a number of children's events through the day. So there were a lot of parents with kids walking by the author signing tables.

Liz and I shared a table. Let me tell you, it was an education for me. She got up in the line of traffic and would ask, "Do you like mysteries?" as folks passed and then would lead the shills, er, nice potential readers, to her book display. And they'd buy.

What blew me away was when people would answer, "No" or even "I don't read," they would STILL buy books. Nobody could resist her charm. :)

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