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January 02, 2017


Hank Phillippi Ryan

If you can add to the "good and helpful and human" side rather than to the "destructive"--seems like a wise thing to do. We do what we can. And I agree, being aware you are taking an action is the only way to begin.

Happiest of new years, darling ones!

Dean (Miranda) James

Definitely an issue that bears further consideration. Being aware of our actions and their consequences is important.

Elaine Viets

"Mindfulness" seems to be especially important now in a country that is so divided. It is so easy -- and tempting -- to become the kind of person we hate.

Charlaine Harris

It's so important to understand that you need to think about lots of things, particularly whether or not you want to punish those who are exercising their freedom of speech. Even if the speech is hateful, it should be heard. I find myself getting very angry from time to time, and that's not helpful.

Joanna Campbell Slan

I have a friend who survived a long jail term by being mindful. He teaches it now. I think this is especially hard for writers because we live in other dimensions. Our mind is...there...not here. But I'm working toward being more mindful, too. Life is short. What am I missing by being somewhere else in my head?

Charlaine Harris

Joanna, I knew what you mean. I'm mindful of other worlds and other people, but i need to take time to be mindful of myself!

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