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October 03, 2017


Hank Phillippi Ryan

Thank you, dear Toni.

Karen Maslowski

My husband and I were also married in Las Vegas, at the Candlelight Wedding Chapel, which at the time was across from Circus Circus. Which is where we stayed. We had celebratory drinks (Brandy Alexander for me, my favorite in 1982) ringside while the motorcycle act went on in the giant metal globe in Circus Circus.

One aunt and her family, and my sister and hers, actually lived there, and for quite a long time. Most of them worked in casinos, mostly far off the glittery Strip. Vegas has always had two sides, including the one unseen by tourists. The city works hard to keep it that way, up to using fake grass around hotels.

Now, it's as if the veil has been torn open, to show the gritty inside. I wonder if that wound will ever close completely.

Elaine Viets

Congratulations on your new book, Toni. Like everyone else, I'm horrified by the 59 deaths and nearly 500 injuries in Las Vegas. Prayers will help them. So will outlawing the "bump stocks" that permitted that creep to continuously spray the crowd. We're looking at more massacres as long as those are legal.

Las Vegas Websites

Congrats on your new book. The horror we experienced is truly hard to bear but I loved what you said in this article: "I want to remember the happy times, knowing that more happy times will come."

Cheers Toni

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