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October 06, 2017


Elizabeth Zelvin

Thanks for having us on the blog, Hank. When it comes to giving your mystery sisters a boost, you're a killer femme yourself in the most complimentary way. ;) We hope readers will get a jolt (though not a fatal one) out of WHERE CRIME NEVER SLEEPS!

Karen Maslowski

Great discussion!!

Hank Phillippi Ryan

Exactly! What a great discussion. And remember, we are the ones who write about all those femmes fatales… So we must know and understand a thing or two, right? And part of writing it is understanding it— or the joy of trying to.

( and aw, thanks Liz… )

Elizabeth Zelvin

Oops! (the best four-letter word the 21st century has given us)--my apologies to Ellen Quint, whose bio I inadvertently omitted (we're working on fixing that), and my thanks to Anita Page, who pointed out that I'd inadvertently included hers. Sorry, ladies!!!


What a fabulous discussion!

Cathi Dtoler

What a great discussion! Here's to the femme fatales of Sisters in Crime.

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