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February 14, 2018


Marcia Talley

I LOVE this Frances! Half the fun of writing, at least for me, is the research. One can get lost it in!

Frances Brody

You're right Marcia, it was such fun! People are so generous, too. The school archivist took me on a walk, and imparted all sorts of titbits. Virginia Woolf used to stay in Giggleswick village when visiting a relative who worked at the school.

Elaine Viets

Loved how the British very calmly traveled long distance to observe this phenomenon -- and then carried on. Congratulations on your new book.

Frances Brody

Thanks, Elaine. There was one man who drove for miles, stopped by the side of the road for a nap, and slept through.

Elaine Viets

The poor guy!

Peter  Sharp

A yellow sign like the one illustrated was laying about in the dust in the Central Garage in the market place for all the years I worked there.
Don't know where it ended up.
I spoke to a man in Malham about
1970 who had cycled from Lincoln to see it , he slept out on Malham Moor along with thousands of others

Elaine Viets

And now the mystery is solved. Thanks for stopping by, Peter.

Frances Brody

Peter, that was quite a cycle ride, from Lincoln. An amazing experience for people. I suppose you would still talk about it 40+ years on.

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