I’m very fortunate in that I have a dedicated office in which to work. It is a ten-by-ten room off our master bedroom that used to be a bedroom but the original owner decided to connect with double doors. I’m sure in the UK or some other fancy place it’s called a dressing room or a sitting area but in our decidedly un-fancy home, it’s just my office.
There’s enough room for a desk, bookcases (one large and one small), chair, floor lamp, and then in the closet I keep all my supplies and machinery like the DVR for the bedroom tv and the printer we all use. It’s a great set up.
Except …
You knew that was coming, right?
Except, with three dogs (two who came as a set) I don’t really have enough room. They like to visit me while I work. The babies like to sleep under my desk - where one goes to nap, the other wants to nap, as well.
Because I have trestle legs holding up my very cool, very mystery writer glass desktop the under-my-desk floor space doesn’t have enough room for both.
Now, I’m sure you’re thinking, “That’s only a problem if you let it be a problem. You’re in charge of the dogs.” And to that I reply … HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahahahaha! *wipes away tears*
I am in no way the boss of the dogs. I used to be. I thought I was. But I can’t prevent something I don’t know is happening until they’re tussling for space, banging into the legs, pulling the monitor cables, and making a huge ruckus. And I have a secret for you. *looks around* Writing is not easy when where you’re viewing the words you’ve just made are jittering around like a train is rumbling under them.
“So, lock them out,” you’re thinking. Hahahahahahaha! You’re so funny, dear reader. I tried that too. They whine. Howl. Bark. Bang on the door with their adorable snoots, trying to snuffle me underneath the crack.
There's only one solution.
“Get rid of the dogs?” AACK! NO! I love my little monsters. Could you get rid of these lovies?
I just need a new desk. One with a larger open space underneath it. Except that would eat up the space for my small bookcase and I’m running at beyond maximum capacity as it is with both bookcases filled and stacks of books on the floor. Maybe if I get an even taller bookcase I can fit in all the books from the small and big bookcase.
Okay, so I need a wider desk and a taller bookcase.
And it’s kind of dark because the one window faces south-west and small ceiling fan can only take a 25 watt bulb. Maybe painting the room Pecan Sandy which is warm but still dark beige wasn’t the best plan when we turned the place into an office seven years ago.
You see where this is going right? OFFICE MAKEOVER!
We’ve actually been working on it for a few weeks now but with The Man having a full-time day job and rain (which raises the humidity and prevents any drywall patching or painting, both of which the room needed) it’s been slow going.
We’re almost there though. We’re finishing painting the trim right now. Well, The Man is finishing. I’m writing this blog post.
You’ll have to wait for my next regularly scheduled blog post (March 19th) to see the finished project but I think it’ll be worth the wait.
This is actually the best time to do this. With Midnight Ink shutting down and the future of my Willa Pennington, PI series in limbo it’s time to make a fresh start. I have new ideas and soon I will have a new space to conjure them all up in. It feels right.
Have you ever redone a room or even moved house to have a fresh start when you needed to reboot yourself emotionally?
I don't have dogs...but I have 2 cats and a 4 1/2 year old, so I feel your pain!
I've redone my various writing spaces a number of times over the years. It is so important to have a space that works for you!
Best of luck with your office makeover!
Posted by: NinaJMansfield | February 20, 2019 at 07:33 AM
Thank you, Nina! I've very excited about the new space. It's coming together really well and my 17yo daughter has taken over the furniture placement and design.
She leaves for college in six months so she says she's getting in practice for her dorm room set up. :)
Posted by: Aimee Hix | February 20, 2019 at 09:07 AM