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March 01, 2019


Aimee Hix

Maybe you're a writer because of the head injuries.

I have a history littered with ER visits, stitches, concussions, broken bones and I like to think the experiences have contributed to my creativity. :)


Congrats on the book sale! And glad you are doing better.


Aimee, I like that explanation! I'm glad I'm not the only one.


Thanks, Mark.


I sprained my ankles badly over 3 times in one year. So I made the decision to consciously LOOK DOWN every time I was out walking. I realized that just by focusing on looking down those curbs and holes were easily avoided. Still good to remind myself.


Jeanne, I'm glad that worked for you. I'm actively working on watching where I'm going and looking at what's around me. I hope I'm as successful at it as you've been!

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