Stardate 2019 June 18
We've journeyed to a new and exciting place. The environs is different than what we've come to treasure but have just as surely begun to outgrow. This second exploratory trip is our final before the five-year mission begins.
I am not on a mission to Mars but rather on a trip to The Girl’s college for the first of two orientations - Setting Sail and then Welcome Week. Ironically, we are not welcome at Welcome Week and by we, I mean, mama and daddy. Pretty shabby treatment for people footing the bill but I’ve been informed that I must cut the cord sometime. Apparently, that will be mid-August.
This two-day visit will result in a lot of information being thrown at us but we’ll be doing it on a campus cleared of all students except the first group of incoming 2019 Fall Freshman (the second group Sets Sail next Monday and Tuesday). Or as I like to refer to them Mamas’ Babies Who Are Leaving Us and Ruining Our Lives. Just kidding. I mean, I’m sure at least one mother is happy to see the backend of her kid for a good little while.
And I do need to apologize for just flat our forgetting my blog post on May 21st. It’s been a crazy spring. Correction - it’s been a crazy year.
2019, man. There’ve been some ups and downs. I’ve been nominated for some debut novel awards for WHAT DOESN’T KILL YOU. That’s really nice. I didn’t expect anything at all so losing two of them didn’t really hurt. My friends won them so I have happy vibes all around.
My publisher has decided to get out of the mystery business so that’s not been too great. Especially with a book released in January. Book three was supposed to be out January 2020. Now who knows. I did get the rights back to it last week so there is hope that Willa’s foray into politics (you read that right) just might see the light of day sooner rather than later.
I’ve also been working on spinning up a new series about a French-American woman who discovers some family secrets in the most startling way - a visit from Interpol. There’s also a dark thriller I have simmering on the word-making stove as I try to answer the ‘What If?’ of what happens when a woman decides she’ll no longer be a victim and turns the tables.
Yikes! Right? That’s a lot.
Add that to 18th birthdays, falling in love at first sight (The Girl not me), prom (again, The Girl and Her Sweet Boy), graduation, and preparing my only child for a life on her own two and half hours away from home and I’m up to my eyeballs in alligators.
And here I sit in my hotel room blogging, trying to remember all the things I need to do, and remembering that no matter how busy things are, this too shall pass. And much faster than I’d prefer.
So, you’ll excuse me, I have my Girl to cuddle for just a little bit longer.
You’ve got quite a bit going on. Good luck surviving it and especially finding a new publisher for book 3 and your new ideas.
Posted by: Mark | June 18, 2019 at 08:48 AM