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June 03, 2019


Barb Goffman

I fell in love with Scout from his picture online. Of course I didn't commit until I met him, but my heart knew it was a done deal absent learning something really bad.

Jingle was a surprise at the shelter. When I walked up to his cage, he kept cocking his head, as if he was trying so hard to understand what I was saying. Too cute.

I can't say either dog chose me, but in both cases, our hearts knew a match when we met.


Congrats on the new puppy! No pets here thanks to my allergies.

Susan Neace

Our old dog died and the puppy we got next from the animal shelter came down with parvovirus the day after we got her. Despite our vets best effort we lost her. I announced that if we were supposed to have a dog it would have to come to us. On our Thanksgiving holiday we left the kid with grandma to do a little shopping. As we stepped onto the sidewalk at the mall a lady directly in front of us asked loudly if anyone wanted a free puppy. We named her Kharma

Jeanie Jackson

So happy you reached a point where you could bring a new baby into your home and that you chose a shelter dog. May you all have the joy in that relationship that you deserve.


What a cutie! Congrats on the new baby, and good for you for choosing a rescue.

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