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May 25, 2020


Tim Smith

Stanley Hornsby was killed in the fighting in the Huertgen Forest with the 1st Division. It was a horrible, lengthy battle with a lot of casualties in the American Divisions that fought there. We have his name and Luther Coleman Hornsby on our War Memorial Monument on Main Street in Yorktown VA.

Jim Bowman

Wow, thanks for sharing this! My father's first cousin (and close boyhood friend), was also only child and, member of Army Air Corps bomber crew, killed in WWII (shooting accident by friendly fire). And my father survived his WWII Navy service in Okinawa - ship sunk by typhoon. And he rarely spoke about it. You and I were classmates in Mrs Ray's first grade class at Yorktown Elementary. Thanks again for the Memorial Day memorial.


Tim, thank you! I was just starting to brainstorm on how to figure out what battle Stanley Junior was killed in--now I can read up on Huertgen Forest. Having grown up in Yorktown, I've seen the memorial--must visit it next time I'm down there.

And Jim, hello. I remember Mrs. Ray--and Miss Gregory, who took over for her when she had her surgery at the end of the year. How strange to see Yorktown Elementary turned into county offices.

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