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June 12, 2020



I'm finding that I'm losing track of time; the days are all running together. I'm working from home, so I have so idea what day it is, but even so, they just seem to be blending together without much to help me keep them straight.


Me too, Mark. I think I've checked the calendar more now to see what day it is, than when I really had a need to keep up with everything I'd scheduled before.


Another thought...Mark, I hope you're not forgetting to take weekends off!

Kate Robinson

It's amusing that as an extreme introvert and a telecommuting freelancer, my life isn't much different but for the masks and extra handwashing. I seemed to have unwittingly prepared for covid by not going out much for the past three years because of concentrating on work and paying down debt!

What I miss most are cinema jaunts and live writers meetings. I haven't been to any of the big protests lately only because I've been busy with projects, but normally you'd see me out demonstrating for social justice.

I never stopped walking dogs and photographing interesting stuff around the 'hood, and I increased rather than decreased my outdoor time to give the situation a finger!


Kate, thanks for your take on this unprecedented time. I also walk dogs, and I probably hike more now than before, but then, there's less to do. I also miss live writing meetings, too. So much.

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